Tuesday, January 29, 2019

reading and voc this week

Ch 10 Meiosis & Sexual Life Cycles heredity, variation, genetics, offspring acquired gene from parents by inheriting chromosomes, genes, gametes, somatic cells, locus-loci, comparison of sexual and asexual reproduction, a sexual reproduction, clone, sexual reproduction, fertilization in meiosis alterate in sexual life cycles, life cycle, karyote, homologous chromosomes, homologous pair, sex chromosomes, autosomes, diploid cell, haploid cell, human life cycle, fertilization., zygote, meiosis three types of sexual life cycles, alternation of generation meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes set from diploid to haploid, meiosis I, meiosis II, crossing over Ch 11 Medelian Genetics Character, trait, true-breeding, homozygous dominant, hybrid, heterozygous, homozygous recessive, hybridization, P generation, F1, F2, alleles , dominant alleles, recessive allele, law of segregation low of dominance, phenotype, genotype, phenotypic, genotypic ration, test cross law of independent assortment, dyhybrid cross, probability laws govern Mendelian inheritance, multiplication rule, addition rule, solving complex genetics problems with rules of probability, non Mendelian genetics, complete dominance, incomplete dominance, co-dominance, Tay Sachs disease, multiple alleles, polygenic inheritance, Nature vs. Nurture, Pedigree analysis, recessive inherited disorders, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell :dominantly inherited disorders- Huntington disease,

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